Richard Williams Funeral Directors is committed to providing a quality service and working in an open and accountable way that builds trust and respect. One of the ways in which we can continue to improve our service is by listening and responding to the views of our clients, and in particular by responding positively to complaints, and by putting mistakes right.
Therefore we aim to ensure that:
We recognise that many concerns will be raised informally, and dealt with quickly.
Our aims are to:
This policy ensures that we welcome compliments and provide guidelines for dealing with complaints from members of the public about our services, facilities, staff and volunteers.
2. Definitions
A compliment is an expression of satisfaction about the standard of service we provide.
A complaint is defined as any expression of dissatisfaction, however, it is expressed. This would include complaints expressed face to face, via a phone call, in writing, via email or any other method. All staff should have sufficient knowledge to be able to identify an “expression of dissatisfaction” even when the word “complain” or “complaint” is not used.
3. Purpose
We are always glad to hear from people who are satisfied with the services we offer. All compliments are recorded, acknowledged, and a copy is sent to the relevant service manager to provide feedback to the member of staff or service.
4. Complaints
The formal complaints procedure is intended to ensure that all complaints are handled fairly, consistently and wherever possible resolved to the complainant's satisfaction.
5. Responsibilities
Richard Williams Funeral Directors responsibility will be to:
A complainant's responsibility is to:
6. Confidentiality:
Except in exceptional circumstances, every attempt will be made to ensure that both the complainant and Richard Williams Funeral Directors maintain confidentiality. However the circumstances giving rise to the complaint may be such that it may not be possible to maintain confidentiality (with each complaint judged on its own facts). Should this be the case, the situation will be explained to the complainant.
7. Complaints Procedure:
Written records must be made by Richard Williams Funeral Directors at each stage of the procedure.
Stage 1
In the first instance, staff member(s) must establish the seriousness of the complaint. An informal approach is appropriate when it can be achieved. But if concerns cannot be satisfactorily resolved informally, then the formal complaints procedure should be followed.
Stage 2
If the complaint cannot be resolved informally, the member of the public should be advised that a formal complaint may be made and the following procedure should be explained to them. It may sometimes be appropriate for a different member of staff, preferably a member of the Management Team, to make this explanation.
a) A formal complaint can be made either verbally or in writing. If in writing the attached form should be used. If verbally, a statement should be taken by a member of the Management Team, staff member or a supervisor.
b) In all cases, the complaint must be passed on to Jennifer Morris. In the event of a complaint about Jennifer Morris the complaint should be passed to Philip Baddick and if the complaint is about either Jennifer Morris or Philip Baddick this must be passed on SAIF.
c) Jennifer Morris or Philip Baddick, depending on the nature of the complaint, must acknowledge the complaint in writing within one week of receiving it.
d) One of the above will investigate the complaint. Any conclusions reached should be discussed with the staff member involved and their Line Manager.
e) The person making the complaint will receive a response based on the investigation within four weeks of the complaint being received. If this is not possible then a letter must be sent explaining why.
Stage 3
he complainant is dissatisfied with the response, then the member must
make them aware of the following options and procedures. The matter can
be referred either to:
a) the Chairman of the Society’s Standards Committee for
investigation and an amicable resolution between the parties; or
b) the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR). A completed
signed application for arbitration is required for each case.
c) All correspondence should be addressed to either the Standards
Chairman or the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR),
as appropriate, at SAIF Business Centre, 3 Bullfields,
Sawbridgeworth, Hertfordshire. CM21 9DB
d) CEDR consists of two stages, conciliation and arbitration. The first
stage, which consists of an informal process of conciliation, can be
bypassed if one or both of the parties expressly opt to proceed
directly to arbitration.
e) If the parties have previously attempted to resolve their dispute
using conciliation and the customer wishes to refer the dispute to
arbitration, they must submit an application to the administrator
within 28 days of the end of the conciliation proceedings. lf at any
stage the Conciliator considers conciliation inappropriate the
matter may be referred to arbitration under the rules of the scheme.
f) The award of the Arbitrator will be generally final and legally
binding on both parties. If however, either Party considers the
Award is one that no reasonable Arbitrator should have reached on
the basis of the documents presented, any payment ordered should still be made, but they may write requesting that the matter be
referred to review.
g) An application for Review by the Appellant will only be considered
1) CEDR receives it within 21 days of the date that the Award
was dispatched to the Parties by CEDR.
2) It is accompanied by a copy of the Arbitrator’s Award
together with a statement setting out the reasons why the
Award is one that no reasonable arbitrator should have
reached on the basis of the documents presented.
3) A fee, known as the “CEDR Fee,” is sent with the respective
paperwork to “CEDR.” (For current day fee contact SAIF
h) Once the Review Procedure has been completed, no further steps
can be taken by any Party under these Rules. Any Party considering
the possibility of an appeal to the courts, if indeed such an appeal is
legally possible, is strongly advised to seek legal advice.
A complete copy of CEDR scheme rules, is freely available from the Society at the
address referred to above.